Tuesday 19 December 2017

Advantages and Disadvantages of Halal E-Numbers

Advantages of Halal E- Numbers


       There are some advantages of using Halal E- Numbers. First, we are able to check the details and information about the product.It is very important to check the status of halal food before consuming the food among the Muslims. Secondly,this application is easy to access and do not waste time when using this application.Android smartphone users can download it for free from android app store. We don't need to waste money to download the application. When there is no Wifi or data with us, we still can use the application.

Disadvantages of Halal E-numbers 


   However, Halal E- Numbers also has disadvantages. Halal E-Number requires the use of e-code. No all the food or ingredients have e-code.So, it would be less convenient to be used if we encounter with food that does not has e-code. The design of the application is not attractive enough to be used.This is because simple background is used and lack of other addition functions beside checking the status of food. The information provided in the application for the Malaysian users is not accurate. Users from Europe and United State are only able to access the accurate information.

Sunday 17 December 2017

Review on Halal E-Numbers Apps

‘Halal E-Numbers’ is one of the mobile apps that is useful for the Muslims. ‘Halal E-Number’ is available in Google Play Store (Android).

The main page of ‘Halal E-Numbers’ full with codes of different background indicating different status.

Type of status that are available for reference

Halal status

Haram status

Mashbouh status

Unknown status

Now, you must be wondering how to use the application right? Easy Peazy lemon sqeezy, users only have to key in the code in the search tab and the application will automatically check for its status. This code is usually written beside the name of ingredient in the ingredient list on products’ packaging.

The example of codes listed in list of ingredients of a product.

Search tab is located on the right top of the main page.

Keyboard automatically appeared and we just need to type the e-numbers.